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    Where to eat dinner?

    Jack, I didn't write that one That is just as it came to me via email early today. piper
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    Where to eat dinner?

    A group of 15 year old boys discussed where they should meet for dinner. It was agreed they would meet at the McDonald's next to Captain Jack's Seafood Grille because they only had six dollars among them, they could ride their bikes there and Jennie Webster, that cute girl in Social Studies...
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    Roto-rooter again

    Just amongst us geezers, my roto-rooter exam was monday. For those of you who figure i am full of crap, you would have been way wrong Sunday PM and Monday AM. Anyway, one polyp, down from the three the last time. Crop failure i guess. Waiting for the inevitable biopsy results. For any...
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    New project

    TRR, can't wait to see it as it goes along. piper
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    New stove also charges your GPS, or lights or phone

    Jack, apparently one in the stove that led the thread....put in wood, light up and get electric current. piper
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    Emergency Survival Kits

    Is this an opportune time to talk about survival kits? Anyone else interested? I'll lay mine all out and post some pics, it all fits into a can for boiling water, has some food, meds, blades, etc. Nothing serious, just something to fool with and see what best fits in the can, and might...
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    New stove also charges your GPS, or lights or phone

    I'd like one of those "heat -to-voltage" units. I'm guessing that a sheet of cardboard and some tin foil made into a concentrating reflector, (think solar cooker) and Voila! electricity. Screw the cooker. I've got a couple of old coffee cans and some tinsnips. piper
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    New stove also charges your GPS, or lights or phone energy, just that simple. Friction some how doesn't figure in to the equation. THERE AIN'T NO FREE LUNCH. (Unless you are a Senator) piper
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    New stove also charges your GPS, or lights or phone

    Jack, buy the bigger Village Size , in fact get a couple of them, and maybe you can power your electric car with them. That would make Algore real happy. You'd just have to stop once in a while and pick up pine cones. Stay off the freeway. piper
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    Safety or Common Sense First?

    I'm shocked and saddened by this. I wonder if there is more to the story than we are being told . And, was he wearing a PFD? piper Illinois kayaker drowns after being attacked by swan Published April 16, 2012 NewsCore An Illinois man drowned in a pond after falling off his kayak when a...
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    Crop Duster Acres

    How long before Mary starts working on her ticket? piper
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    Crop Duster Acres

    Didn't you ever buy a box of Moth Balls? Where did you think they came from? Moths get really big in Michigan. Piper :D :shock: :P
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    Bacon Planner

    Just in case you need help figuring out the best times to use bacon in the menu:
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    Rendezvous 2012

    Here's the group photo that the Homeland Security is waiting for. Piper
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    Rendezvous 2012

    Ditto. We had fun. I think the ladies enjoyed it as much as the men, as they all sat and chit-chatted the whole time. Lots to do at that site, no doubt about it. I'll get pics up as soon as i can get the puter, the camera, the cable and a chair without a cat in it all in the same...
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    S O S .......ya, go ahead and click on it

    Wannabe, guys who have never waked up in TEXAS don't know what the heck you are talking about. If i told 'em the chicken fried steak needed to come out on a big plate so there would be room for the waffle they'd be really confused. Heh, heh heh......Piper
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    S O S .......ya, go ahead and click on it

    Here's an excerpt from KITCHEN STORIES FROM THE IRON LAKE FISHING CLUB (available on Amazon). Personally, I like this one, it brings to mind a lot of old Veterans I'v known. Four years ago tonight I was sitting with my family, the night before my Dad's funeral. We buried him on his 89th...
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    Spring - & Maybe A Blizzard - Just Around Corner

    Begging your pardon here Mr. Kayak, but robins here eat jambolaya, beef steak, chocolate cake, charcoal grilled oysters, bacon wrapped shrimp and a whole list of other delicious and heathy food. It is only when the return to Michigan that they eat earthworms, which are, apparently the best...
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    Spring - & Maybe A Blizzard - Just Around Corner

    If you ever looked close at a Robin, their brain case is about 1/2 " wide. Even they know enough to come South in the fall and stay till it's nice up north. piper
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    The SMOKIN BLUES AND BBQ FEST is in Hammond this weekend. I am cooking, but not competing, so I'm cooking ahead. Here is a little bit of pork on my Smoker. In fact, it is six Boston Butts, totaling SIXTY POUNDS OF MEAT. I gave them a good spicy dry rub and they will spend the night in...