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  1. M

    Biden , Making the Covid antibody treatment political.

    Partisan politics is not the place to play willy-nilly with peoples lives. I think most of us here are of an age where vaccines, masks and monoclonal antibodies are all important for keeping us alive. Remember who has tried to deny safety for your health in favor of their political aspirations...
  2. M

    Forbes Breaking News .

    The president picks the new vice president. The speaker only ascends to the presidency if both the president and vice president are unable to serve. The 25th Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act spells out how it works. Since the Constitution does not indicate an order of succession...
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    Making of a Dugout Canoe Video

    I came across a video of someone building a dugout canoe in a different manner than I've seen before. Here it is for anyone who might be interested. Dugout Video
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    Benefits of Florida , Meeting new people.

    I hope that heals up quickly, Chuck! Glad to know they got it all, too.
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    G'day guys.

    Howdy, Mick! Good to see you are still among us.
  6. M

    A really great Everglades Video...........

    Thanks, Chuck! That was a good watch. It reminds me a lot of my boating in Louisiana but there were a lot of birds I've never seen. Mike
  7. M


    Good idea, Jack! If you want to avoid a lot of difficult cutting, just use an ice tray. You should be able to find one that is the perfect size since they come in so many sizes. I've heard of people using egg cartons, too. The paper kind will soak up some wax and become part of the fire starter.
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    Pirogue Paddle?

    Thanks for that video, seedtck! I really enjoyed watching.
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    SOLO An Interesting Twig Stove

    No snow yet here in East Texas. They say it's coming, but it isn't cold enough for it to last.
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    SOLO An Interesting Twig Stove

    Wow, Jack! Sometimes I'm simply amazed at your genius! :rolleyes:
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    Happy New Year, All!
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    I was thinking of replying, but decided to do it later......
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    No Matter..............

    Best wishes for a negative test result! My 90 year old mother who is in a nursing home tested positive a couple of weeks ago. She had no symptoms but they moved her to the Covid ward anyway. She never had any symptoms and now tests negative. So, they moved her to the ward where the...
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    I didn’t know this!!!

    ROTFLMAO!!! Thanks for the laugh!
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    Oh damn! I missed it. Do you think they'll do it again? Maybe tonight?
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    2020 still sucks , sort of.

    Cataracts were the best thing that ever happened to my vision. I had my lenses replaced somewhere around 15 years ago. I got an early version of multi-focal lenses and went from trifocals to great vision. I only use glasses for the computer, everything else I see clearly. I hear the new lenses...
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    Not an Uncle John Pirogue Seat

    "Chunking rocks." My late wife just couldn't stand it when I used the word "chunk". Like in chunking rocks, or chunking cow pies. She said it wasn't a word and I forgave her by thinking Yankees just didn't know proper words. Thanks Jack, I feel validated! Mike
  18. M

    Sabalo build log

    Dang! I miss those signs!
  19. M

    DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

    It has now been picked up by several other sources.......... Politico
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    DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

    I understand, Jack. But, they have broken important news in the past and they are not really known as a grocery store gossip rag. Not a top news source, for sure. But we have to be diligent.