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  1. B

    Granddaughter"s Boat

    What Jack said, Beekeeper. She's a cutie and the boat is great. P. S. I'm still available for adoption if you feel the need to build more boats.
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    My Finished Boat

    Nice work!
  3. B

    Camp Fire Eggs

    You da man! :mrgreen:
  4. B

    Male Sensitivity.

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Alas! Poor Sparkey, I knew him well. Nice guy, but he took one too many dangerous paths.
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    Posting a product review on Campmor

    Just checked the price :shock: :shock: :shock: .
  6. B

    Posting a product review on Campmor

    Grasseous, Mr. Sparkinator. You would think Campmor would be standup enough to admit they made a whoops.
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    Birthday gifts

    Happy birthday buddy!
  8. B

    UJ bayou skiff

    Re: 1st post! UJ bayou skiff Nice work there. Your crew is eager to get underway. :mrgreen:
  9. B

    Something in the skies that shouldn't be their

    And I'm glad you told me about how to use it. :mrgreen:
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    Arauco Plywood?

    Arauco is underlayment certified. This means water resistant glue and no/minimum voids and small tight knots per APA specs. The local Menards has it in stock.
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    What Works / What Don't

    I usually have to paddle with my arms mostly because of a back injury.
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    Happy Birthday....Jack.

    Hey! I resemble that remark.
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    Table Saw Kickback - Warning Reminder

    I never let go until the stock has cleared the blade. Did that once myself. Lesson learned!
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    Theme pictures, see if you can pick it out

    Joey, no matter how good you are at something it doesn't hurt to practice.
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    Happy Birthday....Jack.

    Just one question, Jack. Were dinosaurs as big as the archeologists claim they were? :mrgreen:
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    Christmas eave preasent

    Great catch! Were you trolling? :mrgreen:
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    Husband Humor.............

    My wife says I resemble those remarks.
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    Okatoma Creek, Mississippi

    Nice trip. Thanks.
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    My first bent shaft paddle

    Like he said...beautiful work!
  20. B

    Muzzle loaders

    Bought a Knight inline while recovering from back surgery in 2000 and have never shot it. I use my Traditions Deerhunter .50 and a CVA Kentucky pistol in .50 for hunting. Both are simple percussion cap mechanisms. Pyrodex RS and P powders with 250 grain home cast lead bullets. Now if the deer...