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  1. B

    A new pirogue project in Tallahassee

    Nice work!
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    Island Piper

    We are in Bay City (Bangor Township) near the State Park.
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    Tales from the Log of the Ruptured Duck

    Well we are getting older and slower.
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    Island Piper

    Aren't we all--at least older and grayer. How have you been? Since I saw you last I lost my house in a fire. Slowly getting back together.
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    Tales from the Log of the Ruptured Duck

    I see you had knee work done. How's it going?
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    Island Piper

    Yeah. I lost my home in a fire April 11 of 19. When the computer was burned up there was no way to recover my account until I figured it out. Not very computer savvy over here. I was down at Piper's in Feb of '18. Have not seen anything from him since.
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    Island Piper

    Anyone know how to contact him?
  8. B

    Just getting back to harassing you folks.

    Just getting back to harassing you folks.
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    Tales from the Log of the Ruptured Duck

    Are you still flying?
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    Piper, I am headed your way soon. Are you still in business down there?

    Piper, I am headed your way soon. Are you still in business down there?
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    My cypress skiff

    Looks great.
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    Well I have been having some sort of a time.

    Good to hear they got it all. Heal quickly!
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    An Older Lady Who Loves Obama

    The lady is right. Don't hold your breath waiting for libs to keep their promises. That rarely happens.
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    Good question, what are these doing in the budget to begin with.
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    The Little Red Hen (revised)

    I like your solution Chuck.
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    This is great....what a country!

    You will fit in fine with the rest of us deplorables.
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    In this crazy election season

    I like that, Sparkey, and I'm left-handed. (But right-minded)
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    Use the hand you have left to kill yourself. All but the last difficulty can be overcome. :mrgreen:
  19. B

    Plywood for rough use boat

    Re: How to check for voids? Most will be difficult to find. The best way I have found is to flex the sheet slightly and sight and feel for flat spots. If it looks flat tap lightly with a hammer or mallet to see if it is solid inside. The plugs are fine except for the face of an appearance...
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    Plywood for rough use boat

    I just decided to get on the water with something I could overnight aboard if need be. Mostly going to be a fishing platform, most sailing will be to and from sites. This bay was at one time the largest fresh water fishery in the world.