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  1. W

    A personal Question

    Now, I don't want anyone to get angry, and I just know that all of you are born again christian republicans, but I just have to ask... Do you cuss much when you work on these boats. I know that my parish priest is not going to be too happy about MY verbal enhancements. Things are progressing...
  2. W

    Stitch & glue question for a pirogue

    Not to worry about that, Chuck, I have my own nicks, scabs and scars. a good life of construction leaves a few wrinkles over the years. My kids want me to retire..(age 68) but I am having too much fun. besides, I would no longer be the boss. The wife is in charge at home, and I am not ready to...
  3. W

    Stitch & glue question for a pirogue

    I guess the saying is true." When all else fails, read the directions." I laid in bed last night and studied the plans, and decided to try and set up the saw to see if I could cut out the stem and stern. Well, I did. It took a couple of tries to get everything set up right. I am back on the...
  4. W

    Stitch & glue question for a pirogue

    Now that's what I am talking about... Thanks again for the leads.. Back to work tomorrow, It's 10:22 PM in Kansas now, so to bed for me. Something about turning into a grouchy ole man if I don't I don't get my beauty ? sleep. Tom
  5. W

    Stitch & glue question for a pirogue

    Hi Hairymick, I was considering using the Stitch and Glue for the stem and stern, but using the frames listed in the plans. I just feel that cutting the stems and stern posts to be too complicated for this old guy. So I will follow your advise and use spacers for that area. Thank you for the...
  6. W

    Stitch & glue question for a pirogue

    Well, I purchase the plans for an Uncle John's pirogue, Cleaned out the garage, turned on the furnace, put the wife's car in the driveway( she's now ticked, but after 43 years I am used to that). purchased the plywood, butt glued the panels, and cut out the sides. I am thinking of using stitch &...