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  1. S

    21st Century SOF kayak kit build

    Hi all. Just received our SOF kayak kits from 21st Century Kayaks. They are a new company. The two owners/designers have been building and testing their version of SOF kayaks for a couple years now and officially selling kits for about a year. The SO and I went down to Naples,FL where these...
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    Test on stability of asymetrical hull

    "What i see as yet to be proved: an asymetrical hull is more stable than a symetrical hull of equal displacement and width at the center of weight." Also consider that MORE stable might not be the only thing of interest here. Even if the stabilities are pretty much the same, the hull being...
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    Balsa Wood

    here is an ultralight canoe made of glass, epoxy, and balsa. ... canoe.html
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    bed liner instead of glass

    IMO the Rhino bed liner isnt such a bad idea. If you just used it as an inside coating it performs several functions. Provides a low slip surface. Protects the wood surface from sun and moisture, as well as abrasion. Would likely stick to wood quite well, probably holding pieces of the wood...
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    Silicon Gasket

    Just a thought guys. If I was looking to make a hatch seal, I think I would give strips of neoprene rubber (wet suit material) a try. Probably makes a pretty good seal if you make it a bit thick then use pressure on the hatch to compress it down a good bit. You would probably ONLY want the...
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    Done.... Finally!

    Hey You ought to look us up, the West Florida Canoe and Kayak Club. Just do an internet search for WFCKC and you'll find our website. I think you'd be surprised how many nice streams,creeks,and rivers there are to paddle within a short drive around here. Now that the nasty weather is over, we...
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    Done.... Finally!

    Congrats! Looks nice! I gotta tell ya about this. I saw the pics and I thought "that looks like Destin pass". After a few moments, I realized there were no landmarks or special features of any kind. Just a nice boat in some grayish water in grayish skies next to a non-descript bridge with...
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    I've been thinking

    Lowes carries these plastic U shaped "edge caps" that are used for making the edges of decorative/gardening lattice work look nicer. They are 8 feet long, about an inch tall, and about 3/4 thick. They have a deep channel running the full length thats a bit over 1/4 wide, maybe even up to 3/8...
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    I have started the Bayou Skiff....

    "shikeswithcanoe Thank you for the teflon idea. The telescopes don't look very heavy. I wonder how it will work with the weight of a person? Probably have to build one to know. May be some other "outside the box" uses for teflon for our boats. This site has teflon and other supplies...
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    I have started the Bayou Skiff....

    An idea for a lighter and more waterproof and perhaps even better performing swivel base. People who make large (ones that look like massive mortar tubes) homemade telescopes called Dobsonians solved the swivel problem years ago. They use a flat sheet of formica on one surface, and on the other...
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    Boat build with PVC/vinyl sheeting?

    Thanks for the info Naz/John. You are happy with the 625 used as a bonding expoxy? Should I ordered some fumed silicia? as a filler/thickner? Or something else? I am not clear on how adding a thickner will help the epoxy bond better on close fitting pieces of wood that are being pressed...
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    Boat build with PVC/vinyl sheeting?

    Hey guys. Thanks for more input here. I've been researching epoxies for use on the wood parts of this project. US composites has caught my eye as something reasonably priced but workable. Does anyone have experience with them? Another project looms in the future, so it seems prudent to go...
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    Boat build with PVC/vinyl sheeting?

    Hey Guys. Thanks for all the input. Hit Lowes the other day and found that they still carry the sheeting. It was cheaper than I remember. It was about 15 dollars for a 4 by 8 sheet .06 inches thick (bout a 1/16th of an inch). The also had some FRP (fiber reinforced plastic?) that was 0.09...
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    Boat build with PVC/vinyl sheeting?

    Interesting links guys. But all those appear to be REALLY thin materials. 1/16 inch thick plastic is rigid enough to hold a curve on its own with a minimum of structural backing. And you can get it thicker if you don't mind a bit more weight and money. Note that a 1/16 4 by 8 sheet would weigh...
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    Boat build with PVC/vinyl sheeting?

    Hi all, new guy here. Read much of the forum. Have been pondering a small boat build for a small kid. Something like a 8 to 10 foot canoe. Stuff like thats hard to come by commercially and its also usually not cheap. And I've reviewed all the wooden boat stuff and its got it pluses and minus...