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  1. L

    14-16ft crawfish skiff plans?

    have you tried very old designs but some are for plywood some very stable and usable hulls LOAFER
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    Thanks for the update and hang in there Buddy we have been concerned about your progress the two of you shall remain in our prayers LOAFER
  3. L

    Truck Boat

    getting better and better Bee soon you will have it right or is there such a thing
  4. L

    Granddaughter"s Boat

    Dang Bee you're getting better and better at this boat building stuff LOAFER
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    Spring - & Maybe A Blizzard - Just Around Corner

    every time I've mowed the lawn for the last two months the robins have had a field day
  6. L

    Ultralight Aluminum "Skin on Frame" canoe

    man that was a quick steal but back to the thread don't forget that guy's skin was prestressed that is' the panels were built flat then bent or pulled into shape you can't just tack the ally to a frame best of luck and keep us posted
  7. L

    Outdoor kitchen?

    having an outdoor kitchen will certainly lead to plumping
  8. L

    New Boat Build

    Hey Bee I like I like I like Can I borrow your molds Loafer
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    Took the Bow out Yesterday

    we've got some new rules down here, you can shoot wild hogs at night but you have to notify your local sheriff 24 hour in advance of the hunt
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    And, Kentucky Bourbon Bacon Chex Mix

    sounds like a mighty tasty biscuit
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    And, Kentucky Bourbon Bacon Chex Mix

    ok now you have to splain to us southern boys-----what the heck is bannock?
  12. L

    sould have stayed at home

    I knew there was a reason I liked following this forum :lol:
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    First Trip, First Fish

    is that a secret fishing hole sure is a nice looking spot to spend an afternoon Loafer
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    something for the piper ... 5-a-340061 heard about this on the radio---found it on the web Loafer
  15. L

    mosquitoes ( Swamp Angels )

    I've been told that Victoria's Secret has a product that really works. it's called AMBER ROMANCE but so far I haven't worked up the nerve to walk thru their door Loafer