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  1. B

    Me and Rob went Fishing last night.

    Nah, you could here them litluns in there and I didn't want to disturb anything.
  2. B

    Cameras - What do you use.

    I leave my XTi in the truck and pack my XT with the 28-105mm lens. Haven't figured out exactly where to mount that dry box yet... but it is on my list of things to do...
  3. B

    Do's and Don'ts of River Camping

    Underestimating how high Cape Fear can rise during the night after a stormy few days...
  4. B

    Nevada Petraglyphs

    Wow, how neat.
  5. B

    Another Photo of My Knife.

    I hear you. One day I'm going to make me a do-all/bait knife from an old machete or bushhook blade. Just got the idea that that would be some really nice, yet thin and handy steel for such a task.
  6. B

    Another Photo of My Knife.

    Well, I was with you right up until that stainless steel part...
  7. B

    Totally non-forum related...

    Actually, I have a shoot along those lines in the workings. Glad yall liked that. Course I was thinking more about the animal photos... :roll:
  8. B

    Totally non-forum related...

    ...but, if you want to view them anyway, I'll probably be loading new photos for the next several days.
  9. B

    Me and Rob went Fishing last night.

    Swamp angels were pretty bad near the water's edge, but doable. I just had to make Rob seem more attractive to suck on than me. Could have used spray, but usually don't bother with that stuff. Can't stand how it feels.
  10. B

    Another Photo of My Knife.

    Absolutly. 4" blade will reach down good!
  11. B

    Me and Rob went Fishing last night.

    Rob doesn't have a kayak or canoe, so we can't usually get to my little honey hole, but around 7:00pm last night, we had a last minute wild hair to go fishing/camping. Was all I could do to navigate up the creek before it got too late, and as such- we went with whatever was immediatly at hand. I...
  12. B

    Another Photo of My Knife.

    Thanks. I like it. First one was slick black micarta and this one is tan canvas macarta. Both are 1095 steel. RAZOR sharp. I have a really pretty (before use) photo of it, and could clean and polish it back up, but hey, it is a user, and serves me well to that end.
  13. B

    Another Photo of My Knife.

    Here is a picture of the knife that I designed. I called it the "Bootlegger" of course. It is the second of such design. This one being stamped. It was made by Abe Elias (big canoe guy) of Diving Sparrow Paddle Works and Diving Sparrow Knife Works. He markets is now as the Carolinian or...
  14. B

    dancin' with the flames

    I had to put more than 26 as I don't do well in the cold weather months. BTW- where did you get an odd number like 26?
  15. B

    PWYP VII Photos.

    Dunno? The 1,000 yrd. range that we go to is up at Butner (Umpstead). This is between Mcdowell and Ruthurford Countys, on 221 South. Is that area familiar?
  16. B

    PWYP VII Photos.

    Thanks. It is a get-together in Western NC. Wish I owned a macro lens for the Luna and things like that. One day, maybe.
  17. B

    PWYP VII Photos.

    Here are a the photos that I took of PWYP VII this past week. Feel free to take a gander and comment as you see fit. ... ?start=all
  18. B

    Another of my Little Man.

    Fishing still isn't a lot of joy for him, but there is potential. I have such high hopes.
  19. B

    New pics

    All, very, very nice. Keep them comming.
  20. B

    Tic Tac Containers

    I habitually collect my old ones that look like a shoe polish tin, but open with a push to the center. They are about the size of a Copenhagen can, and relatively flat, so they are good for all kinds of crap. Wife hates this...