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  1. J


    Just noticed this post. Pleased your happy with your saw. I guess that qualifies me for an upgrade to a lazy good for something :oops:
  2. J

    Hell of a week

    Hey Ron glad to hear Sondra is on the improve. Look after her 'cos someone's gotta be around to keep a constant eye on you. You probly shoulda left the toe bent, it woulda matched your thumb. :twisted: We had one of them weeks last week. Just paid out $5k on a holiday which left us way low on...
  3. J

    Fibreglassing bow and stern

    Had the same problem in similar areas. I think its to do with overworking the resin and the tendency of the cloth to resist wrapping around sharp corners. The cloth seems to be pulling itself away from the side that you've just wrapped around the corner. Only fix I could think of would be to not...
  4. J


    Jus came across this and thought it might be the sort of thing that belonged in this ancient topic ... p-317.html Bloke on a local fishing site swears by them Cheers John.
  5. J

    What do you use for camping...... And Why.

    Nothing worse than a camping area that's still breathing. 8)
  6. J

    Another SOF

    That is really nice, I want one! Any chance of some detail on the technique and material you have used to lash the frame members together please. Cheers John.
  7. J

    Applying Filletts

    The project I was on about wasn't boat related, more like box related. Wouldn't dream of using tape on a boat either. Plenty of folks do and that's their way I s'pose. Wouldn't knock anyone for experimenting though. Cheers John.
  8. J

    Applying Filletts

    I tried drywall tape on to wood then added resin on a little project/experiment a few years ago. It might well be fibreglass tape but its covered in adhesive. I remember thinking it seemed like a good idea at the time but never set really hard like "clean" glass under resin. I don't reckon the...
  9. J

    strip prorogues

    Can vouch for being affected by epoxy. Ifn I get around to more epoxy work its gonna be done outside on windy days, as most of the last one was. Then walk away till its fully cured and then some. Minimise sanding cured epoxy too that's just as potent. Probably spent a total of one and half hours...
  10. J

    Lifetime Passes for Geezers...and Discounts...

    AWWW that's nice they even think about the carers that are looking after the old guy :mrgreen: :( On the other hand I s'pose I'll qualify soon Cheeers John.
  11. J


    I bought a "one pack epoxy paint". Knew it could not be real epoxy. Thought they were just calling it that to let me know that their paint was really tough. They were wrong and I was suckered. To be fair it did harden up months later to some degree, by which time the paint had scuffed quite...
  12. J


    Don't s'pose anyone over there has ever thought of training one of them beavers to take care of all your woody issues. I might have to come over to Merica and train some of your local beavers. I have a reputation as something of a beaver whisperer. As a starting out point if you try beaver...
  13. J

    Cheap kayak seat

    Watched a bloke who wasn't the most mobile paddler use a piece of rope he had tied well forward in his boat to help pull himself upright out of his seat. Seemed to make easy work of it. He said he really struggled before he used the rope . We tend to put our hands on the sides of the boat and...
  14. J

    What Works / What Don't

    That about sums up what I was trying to say, who knows???
  15. J

    What Works / What Don't

    Don't recall comparing anything to a three panel boat. I was merely stating that sloppy to rough water has a different effect on a boat, when compared with glass out or relatively flat water. I believe the sides and transition to hull of a boat will react differently in either of those...
  16. J

    What Works / What Don't

    Flare does not mean you have to end up with a boat four feet wide. It is just a way of transitioning from the bottom of a boat to the side of a boat. If you transit the ninety degrees in one hit which is close to what Laker's have, you will achieve a result. Great in flat water, deteriorating in...
  17. J

    What Works / What Don't

    What this exercise is really lacking is a discussion on the biggest single variable. Water remains pretty wet most of the time, 'cept in a really cold winter. Add salt and it becomes able to provide more bouyancy. But it is the surface of the water that provides the biggest hinderance to forward...
  18. J

    What Works / What Don't

    Getting back to the original question "what changes would I make [in hindsight]" Well I woulda painted it blue. I tried red paint on this one and its not nearly as tough as the blue I used on my first boat. Other than that I wish I hadda made provision for a drop in keel. :mrgreen: Hmm I spose...
  19. J

    What Works / What Don't

    If you are paddling efficiently and correctly the following is incorrect. The torso (trunk) muscles should be doing the vast majority of the work. Because the are so powerful compared to other muscle groups, you probably won't even notice you have been using them more than when doing anything...
  20. J

    Table Saw Kickback - Warning Reminder

    We usually demand pictures as evidence. However, I think/hope I speak for all when I say please, no pictures :mrgreen: Cheers John.