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  1. G


    Hey Catfish, I just now seen this and I will be praying for you all. Dave.
  2. G

    Spring Ahead.

    Hey Ya'll, Grand Pa Jones wrote a song about this. He said they should have shot the man who thought up Day light Savings Time. Of course it could be worse, we could live in Indiana where they have 3 different time zones all the time depending which county you live in. There are some counties...
  3. G

    Plank Pirogue

    That is really beautiful, Mr. Bee. Dave.
  4. G

    Two New Builds TV 12 32 and Crawdad 11 34

    Two beautiful boats, Andy. Thanks for posting the build. Dave.
  5. G

    More crap

    David, you are dead on with your views of the situation. This half-breed ass, shouldn't be allowed to make laws on his own. We are supposed to have government that is: of, for and by the people. Now we have government for itself alone. Thomas Jefferson warned about government getting too...
  6. G


    Hey Chuck, I have my Dads old Smith and Wesson 22 cal. air rifle from the 70's. It's a pump-up but still shoots good. Maybe someday I can get one of those Benjamins. There supposed to last a long time, too. Dave.
  7. G


    Hey Chuck, I looked online and that air rifle you have is rated # 1 in the top 10 for air rifles for 2015. One of the main points is it's long durability. Dave.
  8. G

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas to you Jack and everyone else. I'm adding a prayer for Mike too. Dave.
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    Gunfight rules

    Amen, Amen, Amen. In Iowa, be willing and within 45 feet of your target. Dave.
  10. G

    Slow Cooker Bacon, Egg & Hashbrown Casserole

    Hey Chuck, that sure looks mighty tasty. You just can't go wrong with breakfast meals. Dave.
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    new years padddle

    Hey there Jack, I think its called different things in different places and that may be by the use of ingredients and their amounts. We call it scrapple but in the carolinas, I think they call it liver mush. Gamecock.
  12. G

    new years padddle

    Hey Jack, and Happy New Year. My wife and I are originally from Delaware and scrapple is very popular there. It was first brought to this country by the Pennslyvania Germans who settled there way before the Revolutionary War and they called it Ponhass. When you kill hogs we would cook down the...
  13. G

    new years padddle

    Hey Catfish, did you get you a hog? How big? There ain't no wild one's here in Iowa yet, although they say there a comin this way. We raise our own and do up 2 or 3 each year. Pork is about my favorite meat. Do the wild ones taste the same as a good old red meat Berkshire? We raise the old time...
  14. G


    Just when you think it can't get any worse, our self appointed emperor,"the moron", wants to really do what ever he wants. The congress should step up and stop him and impeach him. But they won't. Thomas Jefferson said: When government gets large enough to give you everything you want, it"s...
  15. G

    Totch Brown's "Pit Pan" build.

    Hey Mike, as always I enjoy your boat builds. Thanks. Gamecock.
  16. G

    Pirogue building contest

    Hey Chuck, thanks for posting. I enjoyed watching and especially the soundtrack with CCR. Gamecock.
  17. G

    *Subject:* *Everyone NEEDS to know NOW!!!*

    Thanks Sparkey, I wish every American knew this. As far as I'm concerned, the Clintons are just some more of George Soros's puppets. We're in a real mess. I keep hoping, praying and voting to stop and reverse this mess. Dave.
  18. G

    Glades Skiff

    :D Hey Mike, way to go, buddy roe. It looks REAL GOOD. I think you could go into business making those skiffs. Dave.
  19. G

    Glades Skiff Build

    :wink: Hey Tom, me too! Thank's ,Mike and I think you've done real good. Dave.