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  1. B

    Heater Meals

    Truthful Jack, I dont know bout store bought, but MREs fer soldiers these days aint nuthin' like they wuz even a few years back. They got a heap a vegetarian meals, Hindu meals, Kosher meals, Mexican meals, Moslem meals, etc. They cut back on redneck chicken 'n dumplings, Frito...
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    Paddle to Shoal Creek Iron Furnace

    Friend Jimmy W, Thanks. Know who owned it, how many folks worked it 'er what they made there? How far ta town? Wuz there a road once upon a time? I read some bout the Etowah, but never seen it....that I recall. How far iz this frum the Foxfire school 'n the Dillard House? My north Georgia...
  3. B

    Eric Grohe Wall Painter

    check out "projects"
  4. B

    Eco Canteen.......

    I dont drink Early Times no more. Thanks ta the revoltin' developments I drink Ole Oblivion. I got a bottle after Ole Truthful Jack tole us bout it. Reckon he iz up after the Red, not the president, the German pilot with the stylish bandanas. [smile]
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    glassing pirogue

    I'd leave the blue tape on.....looks kinda stylish. [chuckle]
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    Eco Canteen.......

    I knew ya had vodka in the ear. I jest knew it. [smile]
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    glassing pirogue

    Very purty....sorry I called it Frank N. Stein. [chuckle]
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    Eco Canteen.......

    It causes memory loss.......I think. I dont know. I dont even know if I used ta know. lol
  9. B

    Femat Kayak

    The Yakima Q Towers fit one car 'er one truck after ya buy the special clips fer the one ya drive. If ya git anuther car, ya jest buy the special clips fer it. Q Towers latch and lock so the evil doers caint steal 'em off yer roof. I figger Thule makes a good one too.....that works purty much...
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    Mister Dookie Britches

    Friend Joey, School books had me thinkin' that way myownself, but them Founding Fathers did not provide fer the right ta bear arms. That rite belongs ta folks jest cuz. Mister Jefferson 'n the others wrote the Second Amendment jest ta make it clear that the guviment caint "infringe" on it...
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    Mister Dookie Britches

    Posted to Craig's List Personals: To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last. Date: 2009-03-23, 3:43AM EST I was the guy with the black Burberry jacket that you demanded I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend. You also asked for my...
  12. B

    My Daughter's Boat: Getting Closer

    Re: My Daughter's Boat Hook 'em Aggies..... [grin]
  13. B

    Just might do it?

    Listen....hear that sound....the nail hit square in the head. I listened ta all the "give it up" talk on here, but still worried bout the struggle fer the legal tender. I called it quits 'n figgered that if I ever run dry, I'll jest move in with the High Sheriff. He iz the one who gives the...
  14. B

    glassing pirogue

    Yep....mebbe ya oughta call it Frankenstein? [chuckle] regards bearridge ps I like any boat that floats 'n does the job, but I reckon ya'll already figgered that out. lol The metaphysical insanities of Athanasius, of Loyola, and of Calvin, are, to my understanding, mere lapses into...
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    My Daughter's Boat: Getting Closer

    Re: My Daughter's Boat Dang Darrell, I wuz scrollin' down quick az I kin jest ta bet $5 there iz a fine longhorn decal within 2 miles of yer shop, til I read the last sentence. I like the Colonel on the bow of my Dagger, dont matter which side. I put our flag on there too. The only choices...
  16. B

    Just might do it?

    Thanks fer pointin' that out. There iz three folks who worked fer a livin' tryin' ta put that rack together 'n one guviment guy jest watchin'. lol [still chucklin' here boss] damn I wish we had decent smilies on this forum...... [sigh]
  17. B

    Just might do it?

    I dont figger he'd walk in 'n tell 'em how it wuz gwine ta be if he did not have hiz bags packed. However, one thing iz the same az it used ta be. Ever bizness, even guviment, gotta have somebody who kin git the job done. Ya jest caint go out 'n hire folks ta walk in 'n know what ta do. Frum...
  18. B

    Just might do it?

    Wore out pal oldyaker, Nobody knows how long they got left. There aint no eazy answer. Ya gotta guess. While it iz risky, I dont see the point in workin' til yer too old 'n wore out ta do much cept set on the bank 'n fish 'er play shuffleboard.....hustlin' geezers outta their pills...
  19. B

    Good Luck Sweetheart

    John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years. John has a Granddaughter...
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    15 MPH Tomato

    Nope......a voodoo man got holt of 'em. [This oughta be okay fer the dial up boys.]